Why we need the internet

as putea sa bat covoare

The internet is just lovely. I love it. I now officially need my "alter ego" list (see right) to keep track of all the sites I have accounts on. Isn't it lovely?
Yes, the Thumblr is new. I made it to follow a friend, Fluffy Cute Pink Bear, but I just couldn't let the page empty and sad so ...I had to pick a layout, a photo etc and I will probably post in it cause the photos look nice there. When? I don't know. That's the beauty of it. If we spend half the time of doing things that are new media-ish doing something more....hmm, and the word "meaningful" comes to mind.
It's stupid to say that "omg you waste your time on sites". First, it's away of recreation, second, it's not a complete waste of time. I communicate to people (I indeed know cause I don't have strangers as amigos on any of these things). I can't call them up all day and tell them my cat was in the washing machine . It's stupid. But I can facebook about it and they will smile when they get home and drink juice, watch a tv show and surf on their laptop.
There is a very academic discussion about new media and our desire for immediacy (google it, but it basically means what is sounds like). Indeed these sites are hypermediated(mixture of more than one media thing like computer graphics plus video plus photo etc), but they satisfy our desire for immediacy. That's the beauty of new media and not the remediation (using old ways like photography, incorporate them in new things like web pages, and there you go, online album). It's the speed of new media devices that encourages their consumption and that's why I love the internet. it's fast, it's there, it makes a lot of things be there. Besides, I am pretty proud that we are like in the top 5 countries as internet speed. Who would have guessed?
(I will check, but a teacher told us that)

Speaking of making things available:

=)) Why the hell (pardon the familiarity) do we shave our legs anymore if we are to wear some other creature's hair on them?
The idea belongs to Ms. CerealKiller, who graciously lets me post it.

1 flu flu:

Unknown said...

Funny thing, I just posted something on the subject. http://cercurisuprapuse.wordpress.com/2010/03/10/the-imposibility-of-slowing-down/
And regarding the speed, it]s true, heard it on the news. Ş=


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