I was thinking today that we consider space infinite, but when it comes to looking "down", into cells, between electrons, we stop at some point and say this is ii, the undividable part. Between these undividable parts there is nothing really.They cling together though some sort of attraction. This is not why I am fascinated. The idea of an undividable part...so it's not made of something, it just is....how can that be? I mean isn't that some sort of definition for God, He is, he is not made, he makes...so finding God in the little things is actually quite a saying =))
Oau...I wish I was an undividable part. That I had the power of existing without preconditions and change. Oau! I am just in love with this.
Oh and I just adore these little claws near my window.
Oau...I wish I was an undividable part. That I had the power of existing without preconditions and change. Oau! I am just in love with this.
Oh and I just adore these little claws near my window.
3 flu flu:
if you have 10 minutes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzMEAkI-yrQ&NR=1
that's about your "small universe".
and god... well... it seems that you scooped too low with this example :P
he is "at both ends", alpha and omega, and (maybe) in between.
and you wouldn't want to be undividable, that's men condition/restriction/whatever-you-call-it.
That's what I've always thought too. It's as if he holds us together
Nu ziceam ca e numai asta. Doar ca mi se pare "like Him".
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