
I am not going to talk about love. The title is just a beautiful word that has a very very far fetched connection to what I want to talk about...even farther than the association between the word love and the movie Casablanca. Somehow they got to be considered synonymous. Like the word liar got to be synounymous to ...No one.

No one is the embodiment of lying, but No one is not important because even if I write it's name and address and personal numeric code you still wouldn't know who is No one. It is the lie in person, thus the truthful side that I know about No one does not exist...for you, and in some way I hope it stays that way. There are so many No ones...Mr X says I live in a bubble, only today I started believing him.

We all live with little lies. Like, come on, "how do I look?", "is it going to be ok?", "I will never lie to you " =)) . Every little lie can only be covered with another lie: - "really?:* " - "yes/sure". That's ok. If we would all tell the truth it would be...I really really can't imagine it. For people to tell the truth more they'd have to be better. The better you are(in reality), the less lies you have to say, really. Think about it.
So you accept the lies, little ones, big ones, but there is always one that just fills the cup someday, somehow. My question and debate in my head is, what do you do then? When you can see passed that immense monster of lies that seems to swallow everyone around because they don't see it. Imagine this huge people around in the room, but these people are doing mondane things like cooking, drinking water, doing laundry, watching tv. The thing is, if you try to open the eyes of these people two of the following will happen : they think you are Godzilla or the whole Universe will do another Big Bang...again lol.
There's the question: Except you, who is it really bothering? Hmm...none of the people. They don't see, feel, smell or thing about the truth about No one. If they're senses don't feel it, it means it doesn't hurt them. Oh boy, the way I explained it now really gives me the chills cause my solution was just leave the room of the Godzilla, but who knows later on, maybe someone else feels it on his/her own skin... and I knew it was a possibility.
The little lie that filled the glass was awesome. You never know what it's going to be. I am still laughing.

Sorry I didn't get to post yesterday. I was in the mountains with highshool buddies <3

2 flu flu:

Anonymous said...

you DO live in a bubble. and it's unbreakable and translucent.

and you lol, but is not your lol. this really seems to be about love, you liar.

si-acum poanta e urmatoarea: venim de la animale, mergen catre dumnezeu, si pe drumul asta minciuna, de foarte multe ori, este modul nostru de a contracara impulsurile animalice din noi. care is legitime, vezi dumneata? adeca ele's adevarul. drept pentru care tot ceea ce facem pentru a le innabusi se numeste minciuna. dar nu mai stiu cum mi-a venit argumentul asta. dar asa este ;)

nu-ti fa griji. ideea este ca din textul asta inteleg ca pui o eticheta pe omenire. din care omenire ne excluzi pe noi doi. pe tine pentru ca tu condamni, in scris, mincinoaiele, minciunile si minciunelele, iar pe mine pentru ca, cititorul fiind, presupui ca sunt la fel de deranjat (asta undeva spre sfarsitul postului).

alege sa faci inj fiecare seara una din chestiile astea doua, ori chiar pe amandoua, inainte de culcare, poate chiar in pat, inainte sa adormi: unu - gandeste-te cate minciunele ne/vinovate ai "comis" in ziua respectiva si doi - rememoreaza cat mai multe clipe din zi in ordine invers cronologica (asta ultima e chestie d-aia antica, cica ajuta).


Anonymous said...

nu ma exclud. si eu spun minciuni. e vorba de consecinte, e vorba de intentie si e vorba ca asta gandeam atunci. blogul este personal.


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