* there's a big bang on her desk, the Longman dictionary
ignorance: lack of knowledge or information about something
If taken literary, I am sure every rational human being, every man that uses his brain, does intellectual work and so on jumps up from his/her seat and says : "how the hell can that be true?" .
What do you understand when you hear "ignorance" ?
Longman continues "ignorance is bliss" used to say that if you do not know about a problem, you cannot worry about it.
And after this I feel free to say that the same people who reject ignorance (the sort of person I described above) would agree.
I wrote something on a old paper cd-cover a few days ago. Truly happy moments are when I am waiting for something that I want and know is coming.
When I have something, I fear loosing it, I feel the need to protect it.
When I am waiting for something I want, anticipation drives the fears away. I can't worry about loosing something I do not yet have. I see the future with my object of desire, imagining how happy I will be. Most of the time, the concept that I am really content the moment I dream about this future happiness escapes me. It seems I had a moment of rationality when I wrote on that piece of paper. I was waiting for something.
When I read it today I got to thinking about the saying, "ignorance is bliss".
2 flu flu:
the paper cd-cover is awesome :D
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