Ignorace is bliss

* there's a big bang on her desk, the Longman dictionary

ignorance: lack of knowledge or information about something

If taken literary, I am sure every rational human being, every man that uses his brain, does intellectual work and so on jumps up from his/her seat and says : "how the hell can that be true?" .
What do you understand when you hear "ignorance" ?

Longman continues "ignorance is bliss" used to say that if you do not know about a problem, you cannot worry about it.

And after this I feel free to say that the same people who reject ignorance (the sort of person I described above) would agree.

I wrote something on a old paper cd-cover a few days ago. Truly happy moments are when I am waiting for something that I want and know is coming.
When I have something, I fear loosing it, I feel the need to protect it.
When I am waiting for something I want, anticipation drives the fears away. I can't worry about loosing something I do not yet have. I see the future with my object of desire, imagining how happy I will be. Most of the time, the concept that I am really content the moment I dream about this future happiness escapes me. It seems I had a moment of rationality when I wrote on that piece of paper. I was waiting for something.
When I read it today I got to thinking about the saying, "ignorance is bliss".

Precious things in my house:
my lady
my tower
my painting
though the door
the paper cd-cover

Somewhere high

fast forward to minute 1 and 30 seconds and HIGH VOLUME

3 bodies and one head :D
I have two words for you:
Udrea Elena

O strig ca la catalog. Pentru mine nu e o diva.

Deobicei nu ma bag la subiecte deja extrem de discutate, poate doar daca sunt printre primii care le discuta.
Faza cu Udrea e de ceva vreme. Deja desgustata, nu am dat atentie domnisoarelor de la stiri cand auzeam numele persoanei in discutie, dar astazi, vegetand in fata televizorului si fiind deja impuiata cu politologie de domnul Frigioiu, am zis sa fiu atenta.
Initial nimic fascinant , aceeasi Udrea Elena cocheta intra si iese :giggle: ...din sala in care este chemata de Comisia Parlamentara. Auzisem ceva, ca tot sfideza aceasta comisie, dar problema e la cu totul alt nivel acum, unul foarte ridicat.
Am auzit un membru al acestei comisii, ce reprezinta in final PARLAMENTUL , rugand-o, RUGAND-O pe o Udrea Elena insolenta si indiferenta sa raspunda intrebarilor. Chiar si felul cum a pus intrebarea m-a deranjat.
Sa fim seriosi. Cine de aici are indoieli in privinta faptului ca s-au cheltuit inutil , inexplicabil si poate chiar ilegal fonduri din Ministerul Turismului ?
Ei bine, doamna din Comisia Parlamentara a RUGAT-O pe Udrea Elena sa raspunda intrebarilor pentru a demonstra ceea ce ea sustine, si anume nevinovatia sa.
Binenteles, rugamintea a fost absolut ignorata, Udrea Elena zicandu-si poezia(ca e ilegala comisia etc etc) si lasand Comisia , foarte foarte evident, cu ochii in Soare.


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